If your Granville business is registered with the Vermont Secretary of State and you would like your Granville business included on this directory, please contact Cheryl Sargeant, Town Clerk.
You can search for Granville businesses or check current status, whether a for profit or non-profit business, by scrolling through the list of Vermont businesses at the Vermont Secretary of State, Corporations Division page here.
The Bowl Mill Factory Store
45 Mill Rd., Granville, VT 05747
website: https://www.bowlmill.com
Woodenware gift shop. Hours of operation: Sun. thru Sat., 9 AM to 5 PM.
Contact: Jeff Fuller
Telephone: 802.767.4711
E-mail: bowlmill@madriver.com

5197 Main St, Waitsfield, VT 05673
Clark Brook Designs is a landscape architecture firm in central VT that plans residential, commercial, and municipal spaces based on regenerative design principles. We weave the methods of permaculture into our designs to create a symbiotic relationship between land owner and land. Our designs are built to grow into gardens capable of thriving without intense maintenance and cared for using sustainable practices of water use, fertilization, and integrated pest management. We want to build a better world for our future generations and that starts from the land up.
Contact: Rachel Grigorian, Owner and Landscape Architect
Granville Country Store
5358 VT Rte 100, Granville, VT 05747
Open seven days-7 am to 8 pm
Groceries, beer, wine, sundries, hunting licenses
Contact: Danial or Kira Sargeant
Telephone: 802.767.4600
Granville Manufacturing Co., Inc.
45 Mill Rd., Granville, VT 05747
Building materials. Hours of operation: Mon. – Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM.
Contact: Jeff Fuller
Telephone: 802.767.4747
E-mail: jfuller@woodsiding.com
Green Mountain Glassworks
5523 VT Rte 100, PO Box 44, Granville, VT 05747
Blown glass studio and gallery. Housewares, art glass with daily demonstrations. Hours of operation: Wed. thru Monday 9 AM to 5 PM.
Contact: Michael Egan
Telephone: 802.767.4547
E-mail: Michael@EganGlass.com
Old Road Farm
4911 VT Rte 100, Granville, VT 05747
Website: https://www.oldroadfarmvt.com
Certified Organic Vegetables-farm store at Granville farm, participant of the Vermont Farm Share Program, CSA, and Markets.
Contact: Henry or Gabrielle
Telephone: 802.503.7404
S. Werner Construction Inc.
914 N Hollow Rd., Granville, VT 05747
Custom design, high quality energy efficient homes and additions and carpentry repairs and renovations.
Contact: Steve or Kathy Werner
Telephone: 802-279-3178
Mike Eramo Masonry
PO Box 103, Granville, VT 05747
Design and installation of all types of masonry, from chimneys, fireplaces, patios, stone walls, and all types of hardscaping.
Contact: Mike and Diane Eramo
Telephone: 802.767.3569
E-mail: mike@mikeeramomasonry.com
Vermont Backcountry Cottages
1046 West Hill Ext, Granville, VT 05747
Come home to Vermont Backcountry Cottages.
No matter what your reason for visiting the Green Mountains, it’s likely I have the perfect lodging accommodations for you. Choose from one of three adorable rental cottages, each lovingly curated so you have a truly remarkable visit. The rental cottages are all surrounded by stunning views of the Vermont countryside and more outdoor activities than a person could get to in a lifetime. If you’re not sure which cottage would be right for you, call me up and we can talk it through. They can be rented together for larger groups as well.
Contact: William Brokhof, Proprietor
Telephone: 802-431-7006
E-mail: wbrokhof@gmail.com
Also Serving Granville:
White River Alliance Solid Waste – for local rubbish and recycling, Saturday mornings, you drop off 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Rochester Town Office parking lot, 67 School St., Rochester, Vt. or go to White River Alliance Solid Waste at 122 Waterman Road, Royalton, Vermont, (802) 763-2232
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 7 am to 1 pm, and Saturday 7 am to 2 pm. Go to website link here or call (802) 763 2232 to verify Royalton station hours, prices and what is accepted.